No |
Nama Perguruan Tinggi Dalam Negeri |
Nama Program Studi Dalam Negeri |
Nama Perguruan Tinggi Mitra |
Nama Program Studi Mitra |
Negara Mitra |
Jenis Kerja Sama |
Sejak Tahun |
1 | Universitas Islam Indonesia | Akuntansi |
Nanjing Xiaozhuang University | International Trade and Economics |
China | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2022 |
2 | Universitas Islam Indonesia | Magister Teknik Industri |
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) | Department of Industrial Management |
Taiwan | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2022 |
3 | Institut Bio Scientia Internasional Indonesia | Bio Medis dan Rekayasa Hayati | University of Dundee | Biomedical Sciences |
Britania Raya | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2022 |
4 | Universitas Bina Nusantara | Manajemen | Bournemouth University | Business |
Britania Raya | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2022 |
5 | Universitas Kristen Petra | Ilmu Komunikasi |
Dongseo University |
Film & VFX Major, International College |
Korea Selatan | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2021 |
6 | Universitas Pertamina | Teknik Kimia |
Universiti Teknologi Petronas | Chemical Engineering |
Malaysia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2022 |
7 | Universitas Bina Nusantara | Magister Manajemen |
Burgundy School of Business |
Master in Management |
Perancis | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2021 |
8 | Universitas Sampoerna | S1 Manajemen |
University of Arizona | Eller College of Management |
Amerika Serikat | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2024 |
9 | Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya | Magister Manajemen |
Providence University (PU) |
Global Master of Business Administration |
Taiwan | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2021 |
10 | Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta | S1 Ilmu Komunikasi | Technische Universitat Ilmenau | Applied Media and Communication Science |
Jerman | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2024 |
11 | Universitas Internasional Batam | Akuntansi |
Sun Moon University, Korea Selatan |
Department of Business Administration |
Korea Selatan | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2021 |
12 | Universitas Bina Nusantara | Ilmu Komunikasi |
Northumbria University at Newcastle |
Mass Communication |
Britania Raya | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2021 |
13 | Universitas Kristen Petra | Sastra Inggris |
Film & Visual Effect Department |
Korea Selatan | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2021 |
14 | Universitas Islam Indonesia | Hukum |
Department of Law College of Creative Human Resources, Youngsan University |
Hukum |
Korea Selatan | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2021 |
15 | Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya | JURUSAN TEKNIK SIPIL |
Kunsan National University, South Korea |
Korea Selatan | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2021 |
16 | Universitas Udayana |
Prodi Magister Teknik Sipil Jenjang Program Pascasarjana |
Yamaguchi University |
Graduate School of Sceince and Technology for Innovation. |
Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2021 |
17 | Universitas Bina Nusantara |
Akuntansi |
Victoria University of Wellington |
Commerce |
Selandia Baru | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2021 |
18 | Universitas Bina Nusantara |
Manajemen |
Saxion University of Applied Sciences |
Marketing & International Management |
Belanda | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2021 |
19 | Universitas Bina Nusantara | Sistem Informasi |
Northumbria University at Newcastle |
Computing & Information Sciences |
Britania Raya | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2021 |
20 | Universitas Brawijaya | Teknik Sipil. Fakultas Teknik. Universitas Brawijaya |
University of Technology Sydney |
Department of Civil Engineering. University of Technology Sidney. Australia |
Australia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2021 |
21 | Universitas Bina Nusantara | Teknik Informatika | University of Wollongong | Computing and Information Technology |
Australia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2022 |
22 | Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya | Teknik Industri | Chung Yuan Christian University (CYCU) | Industrial and System Engineering |
Taiwan | Gelar Ganda Percepatan (Acceleration) | 2022 |
23 | Universitas Katolik Soegijapranata | Teknologi Pangan | Providence University | Department of Food and Nutrition Providence University |
Taiwan | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2022 |
24 | Universitas Bina Nusantara | Akuntansi | UNSW | Commerce |
Australia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2022 |
25 | Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya | Teknik Elektro | Chung Yuan Christian University (CYCU) | Master Degree Electrical Engineering |
Taiwan | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2022 |
26 | Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya | Teknik Kimia | Kunsan National University | Department of Nano and Chemical Engineering |
Korea Selatan | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2022 |
27 | Universitas Pendidikan Nasional | Manajemen | HELP University | Management Programme |
Malaysia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2022 |
28 | Universitas Pendidikan Nasional | Akuntansi | HELP University | Accounting and Business Programme |
Malaysia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2022 |
29 | Universitas Kristen Petra | Desain Komunikasi Visual | DONGSEO UNIVERSITY | Animation & VFX (English Track) Major, International College |
Korea Selatan | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2022 |
30 | Institut Komunikasi Dan Bisnis LSPR | Ilmu Komunikasi | De Montfort University | Journalism (BA) Hons |
Britania Raya | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2022 |
31 | Universitas Bina Nusantara | S2 Manajemen | SolBridge International School of Business, WOOSONG UNIVERSITY | Master of Business Administration |
Korea Selatan | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2024 |
32 | Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang | Psikologi | Asia University, Taiwan | Psychology |
Taiwan | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2022 |
33 | Universitas Kristen Petra | Desain Komunikasi Visual | SAXION UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES | Creative Media and Game Technologies Program, School of Creative Technology |
Belanda | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2022 |
34 | Universitas Kristen Petra | Sastra | WENZAO URSULINE UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES | English Department |
Taiwan | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2022 |
35 | Universitas Bina Nusantara | Manajemen | Macquarie University | Business - Commerce |
Australia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2022 |
36 | Universitas Bina Nusantara | Manajemen | Queensland Unviersity of Technology | Business |
Australia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2022 |
37 | Universitas Sebelas Maret | Teknik Sipil | National Central University | Civil Engineering |
Taiwan | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2022 |
38 | Universitas Kristen Petra | Manajemen | I-SHOU UNIVERSITY (I-SHOU) | International Master of Business Administration (IMBA), College of Management |
Taiwan | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2022 |
39 | Universitas Sebelas Maret | Teknik Mesin | National Central University | Mechanical Engineering |
Taiwan | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2022 |
40 | Universitas Sebelas Maret | Teknik Mesin | National Central University | Mechanical Engineering |
Taiwan | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2022 |
41 | Universitas Sebelas Maret | Teknik Sipil | National Central University | Civil Engineering |
Taiwan | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2022 |
42 | Universitas Islam Indonesia | Manajemen | Nanjing Xiaozhuang University | School of Business (International Trade and Economics) |
China | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2023 |
43 | Universitas Katolik Soegijapranata | Akuntansi | Providence University | Global Master of Business Administration (GMBA) |
Taiwan | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2022 |
44 | Universitas Katolik Soegijapranata | Manajemen | Providence University Taiwan | College of Management - Global Master of Business Administration |
Taiwan | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2022 |
45 | Universitas Kristen Petra | Manajemen | INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE (IMI) | International Hotel & Tourism Management |
Swiss | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2022 |
46 | Universitas Islam Indonesia | Akuntansi | Saxion University of Applied Sciences | Finance and Accounting |
Belanda | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2023 |
47 | Universitas Bina Nusantara | Desain Komunikasi Visual | Northumbria University at Newcastle | Graphic Design |
Britania Raya | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2023 |
Korea Selatan | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2024 |
49 | Universitas Kristen Petra | Informatika | FONTYS UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES | School of Information and Communication Technology |
Belanda | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2022 |
50 | Universitas Bina Nusantara | S1 Manajemen | University of Newcastle | Business (Bachelor of Business) |
Australia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2024 |
51 | Universitas Bina Nusantara | S1 Akuntansi | University of Newcastle | Business (Bachelor of Commerce) |
Australia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2024 |
52 | Universitas Bina Nusantara | S1 Manajemen | Bournemouth University | International Hospitality and Tourism Management |
Britania Raya | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2024 |
53 | Universitas Kristen Indonesia | S1 Manajemen | Coventry University | Global Business Management |
Britania Raya | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2023 |
54 | Universitas Telkom | S1 Teknik Elektro | Yuan Ze University | Department of Electrical Engineering |
Taiwan | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2023 |
55 | Universitas Telkom | S2 Teknik Elektro | Yuan Ze University | Department of Electrical Engineering |
Taiwan | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2023 |
Taiwan | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2024 |
57 | Universitas Bina Nusantara | S2 Manajemen Sistem Informasi | National Taiwan University of Science and Technology | Information Management Master Program |
Taiwan | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2024 |
58 | Universitas Swiss German | S1 Teknik Kimia | Universitas Applied Sciences EAH JENA | Environment and Development |
Jerman | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2024 |
59 | Universitas Telkom | S1 Teknik Telekomunikasi | Kumoh National Institute of Technology | Electronic and IT Convergence |
Korea Selatan | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2024 |
60 | Universitas Bina Nusantara | S1 Akuntansi | CBS International Business School | International Business |
Jerman | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2024 |
61 | Universitas Telkom | Teknik Telekomunikasi (S1) | Yuan Ze University | Department of Electrical Engineering |
Taiwan | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2024 |
62 | Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember | Teknik Kimia (S1) | National Taiwan University of Science and Technolo (Taiwan) | Chemical Engineering | Taiwan | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2021 |
63 | Universitas Indonesia | Teknik Metalurgi dan Material (S1) | Curtin University (Australia) | Mining and Metallurgical Engineering | Australia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2024 |
64 | Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta | S1 Akuntansi | Asia University | Akuntansi dan Sistem Informasi |
Taiwan | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2024 |
65 | Universitas Pendidikan Nasional | S1 Manajemen | Istanbul Medipol University | Business Administration |
Turki | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2023 |
Korea Selatan | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2024 |
67 | Universitas Swiss German | S1 Teknik Kimia | Hochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen, Germany | Pharmaceutical Technology |
Jerman | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2024 |
68 | Universitas Pendidikan Nasional | S1 Manajemen | Edith Cowan University | Bachelor of Commerce |
Australia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2024 |
69 | Universitas Bina Nusantara | S1 Ilmu Komunikasi | Queensland University of Technology | Bachelor of Communication |
Australia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2024 |
Jerman | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2024 |
71 | Universitas Wanita Internasional | S1 Desain Komunikasi Visual |
Youngsan University | Visual Image Design |
Korea Selatan | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2024 |
72 | Universitas Pertamina | S1 Teknik Geofisika | Universiti Teknologi Petronas | Petroleum Geoscience |
Malaysia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2024 |
73 | Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember | Teknik Sipil (S1) | National Taiwan University of Science and Technolo (Taiwan) | Civil and Construction Engineering | Taiwan | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2023 |
74 | Universitas Pertamina | Teknik Mesin (S1) | Universiti Tenaga Nasional (Malaysia) | Mechanical Engineering | Malaysia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2025 |
75 | Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember | Teknik Kimia (S1) | Curtin University (Australia) | Chemical Engineering | Australia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2021 |
76 | Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember | Teknik Sipil (S1) | Saxion University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands) | Civil Engineering | Belanda | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2020 |
77 | Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember | Teknik Sipil (S1) | Universiti Teknologi Petronas (Malaysia) | Civil Engineering | Malaysia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2022 |
78 | Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember | Statistika (S1) | University of Essex (United Kingdom) | School of Matematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science | Britania Raya | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2024 |
79 | Universitas Indonesia | Teknik Perkapalan (S1) | University of Strathclyde (United Kingdom) | Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering | Britania Raya | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2024 |
80 | Universitas Indonesia | Teknik Lingkungan (S1) | Monash University (Australia) | Environment | Australia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2024 |
81 | Universitas Indonesia | Teknik Kimia (S1) | University of Sydney (Australia) | Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering | Australia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2024 |
82 | Universitas Indonesia | Teknik Mesin (S1) | University of Sydney (Australia) | Mechanical Engineering | Australia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2024 |
83 | Universitas Hasanuddin | Administrasi Publik (S2) | Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand) | Public Management with Specialization in E-Government | Selandia Baru | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
84 | Universitas Hasanuddin | Bahasa Mandarin dan Kebudayaan Tiongkok (S1) | Nanchang University (China) | Mandarin and Chinese Culture | China | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2020 |
85 | Universitas Hasanuddin | Ilmu Hubungan Internasional (S1) | University of Queensland (Australia) | Political Science and International Studies | Australia | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2022 |
86 | Universitas Indonesia | Teknik Elektro (S1) | University of Sydney (Australia) | Electrical and Information Engineering | Australia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2024 |
87 | Universitas Indonesia | Teknik Sipil (S1) | University of Sydney (Australia) | Civil Engineering | Australia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2024 |
88 | Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember | Teknik Elektro (S1) | Curtin University (Australia) | Electrical and Computer Engineering | Australia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2021 |
89 | Universitas Indonesia | Teknik Mesin (S1) | University of Strathclyde (United Kingdom) | Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering | Britania Raya | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2024 |
90 | Universitas Indonesia | Pendidikan Dokter Gigi (S1) | University of Melbourne (Australia) | Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences | Australia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2021 |
91 | Universitas Indonesia | Teknik Elektro (S1) | Monash University (Australia) | Engineering Stream | Australia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2024 |
92 | Universitas Indonesia | Teknik Bioproses (S1) | Monash University (Australia) | Engineering Stream | Australia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2024 |
93 | Universitas Indonesia | Teknik Elektro (S2) | National Taiwan University of Science and Technolo (Taiwan) | Electronic and Computer Engineering | Taiwan | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2024 |
94 | Universitas Indonesia | Ilmu Komunikasi (S1) | University of Queensland (Australia) | Communication | Australia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2020 |
95 | Universitas Indonesia | Pendidikan Dokter Gigi (S1) | University of Leeds (United Kingdom) | Medicine and Health | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2024 | |
96 | Universitas Indonesia | Ilmu Kedokteran Gigi (S3) | Tohoku University (Japan) | Dentistry | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 | |
97 | Universitas Indonesia | Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (S2) | University of Queensland (Australia) | Earth and Environmental Science | Australia | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2024 |
98 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Manajemen (S2) | University of Queensland (Australia) | Master of Business | Australia | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2024 |
99 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan (S2) | Kyoto University (Japan) | Agricultural Science | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
100 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Manajemen (S2) | National University of Singapore (Singapore) | Master of Science Venture Creation | Singapura | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2024 |
101 | Universitas Indonesia | Pendidikan Dokter (S1) | University of Melbourne (Australia) | Medicine, Dentistry, and Health Sciences | Australia | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2024 |
102 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota (S2) | University of Groningen (Netherlands) | Environmental and Infrastucture Planning | Belanda | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2024 |
103 | Universitas Indonesia | Pendidikan Dokter (S1) | Monash University (Australia) | Nursing | Australia | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2024 |
104 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota (S2) | University of Groningen (Netherlands) | Master of Science in Society, Sustainability and Planning | Belanda | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2024 |
105 | Universitas Indonesia | Magister Perencanaan Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pembangunan (S2) | National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (Japan) | Economics,Planning and Public Policy | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2026 |
106 | Universitas Indonesia | Magister Perencanaan Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pembangunan (S2) | Rikkyo University (Japan) | Business | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2029 |
107 | Universitas Indonesia | Ilmu Ekonomi (S2) | University of Adelaide (Australia) | Applied Economics | Australia | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2027 |
108 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Ekonomi Pertanian (S2) | Kyoto University (Japan) | Agricultural Science | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
109 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Fitopatologi (S2) | Kyoto University (Japan) | Agricultural Science | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
110 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Ilmu Hama Tanaman (S2) | Kyoto University (Japan) | Agricultural Science | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 | |
111 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Ilmu Kehutanan (S2) | Kyoto University (Japan) | Agricultural Science | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
112 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Ilmu Perikanan (S2) | Kyoto University (Japan) | Agricultural Science | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
113 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Teknik Kimia (S2) | University of Birmingham (United Kingdom) | Advanced Chemical Engineering | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2021 | |
114 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Ilmu Peternakan (S2) | Kyoto University (Japan) | Applied Biosciences | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
115 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Ilmu Peternakan (S2) | Kyoto University (Japan) | Food Science and Biotechnology | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
116 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Ilmu Peternakan (S2) | Kyoto University (Japan) | Natural Resource Economics | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
117 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Teknik Pertanian (S2) | Kyoto University (Japan) | Agricultural Science | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
118 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Teknologi Industri Pertanian (S2) | Kyoto University (Japan) | Agricultural Science | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
119 | Universitas Indonesia | Magister Perencanaan Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pembangunan (S2) | Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (Japan) | International Cooperation Policy | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
120 | Universitas Indonesia | Ilmu Ekonomi (S2) | Erasmus University Rotterdam (Netherlands) | Economics of Development | Belanda | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2024 |
121 | Universitas Indonesia | Ilmu Ekonomi (S2) | Hiroshima University (Japan) | Humanities and Social Sciences/(GSHSS-HU)/Graduate School of Innovation and Practic for Smart Society (GSIPSS-HU) | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2024 |
122 | Universitas Indonesia | Manajemen Bisnis Pariwisata (D4) | International Management Institute Switzerland (Switzerland) | International Hotel and Events Management | Swiss | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2023 |
123 | Universitas Indonesia | Teknik Sipil (S2) | University of Leeds (United Kingdom) | Transport Studies | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2022 | |
124 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Manajemen (S2) | National University of Singapore (Singapore) | Master of Science Venture Creation NUS Enterprise | Singapura | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
125 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Keperawatan (S2) | Taipei Medical University (Taiwan) | Nursing | Taiwan | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2020 |
126 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Manajemen (S2) | University of Melbourne (Australia) | Management | Australia | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
127 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Sistem dan Teknik Transportasi (S2) | University of Birmingham (United Kingdom) | Railway Systems Engineering and Integration | Britania Raya | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2021 |
128 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Teknik Elektro (S2) | University of Birmingham (United Kingdom) | Electrical Power Systems | Britania Raya | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2021 |
129 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Teknik Geologi (S2) | University of Birmingham (United Kingdom) | Geotechnical Engineering | Britania Raya | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2021 |
130 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Teknik Industri (S2) | University of Birmingham (United Kingdom) | Advanced Engineering Management: Operations Management | Britania Raya | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2021 |
131 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Teknik Kimia (S2) | University of Birmingham (United Kingdom) | Advanced Chemical Engineering | Britania Raya | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2021 |
132 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Teknik Mesin (S2) | University of Birmingham (United Kingdom) | Space Engineering | Britania Raya | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2021 |
133 | Universitas Syiah Kuala | Pengelolaan Lingkungan (S2) | University of Rhode Island (United States of America) | Environmental Science and Management | Amerika Serikat | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2022 |
134 | Universitas Syiah Kuala | Ilmu Teknik (S3) | Universiti Malaya (Malaysia) | Mechanical Engineering | Malaysia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2022 |
135 | Universitas Indonesia | Teknik Sipil (S1) | Monash University (Australia) | Engineering Stream | Australia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2023 |
136 | Universitas Indonesia | Teknik Mesin (S1) | Monash University (Australia) | Engineering Stream | Australia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2023 |
137 | Universitas Indonesia | Teknik Metalurgi dan Material (S1) | Monash University (Australia) | Engineering Stream | Australia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2023 |
138 | Universitas Indonesia | Teknik Bioproses (S1) | Monash University (Australia) | Engineering Stream | Australia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2023 |
139 | Universitas Indonesia | Teknik Sipil (S1) | University of Glasgow (United Kingdom) | Science and Engineering | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2024 | |
140 | Universitas Indonesia | Teknik Elektro (S1) | University of Glasgow (United Kingdom) | Science and Engineering | 2024 | ||
141 | Universitas Indonesia | Teknik Industri (S1) | University of Queensland (Australia) | Business, Economics and Law | Australia | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2020 |
142 | Universitas Indonesia | Arsitektur (S1) | Queensland University of Technology (Australia) | Engineering | Australia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2022 |
143 | Universitas Indonesia | Ilmu Ekonomi (S2) | National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (Japan) | Policy Studies | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2024 |
144 | Universitas Indonesia | Ilmu Ekonomi (S2) | International University of Japan (Japan) | Arts in International Development or a Master of Arts in Economics | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2024 |
145 | Universitas Indonesia | Ilmu Ekonomi (S2) | Kobe University (Japan) | International Cooperation Studies | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2024 |
146 | Universitas Indonesia | Ilmu Ekonomi (S2) | Ritsumeikan University (Japan) | Master Program in Economic Development | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2024 |
147 | Universitas Indonesia | Ilmu Akuntansi (S2) | Vrije Universiteit (Netherlands) | Economics and Business Administration | Belanda | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2022 |
148 | Universitas Indonesia | Ilmu Ekonomi (S1) | University of Queensland (Australia) | Business, Economics and Law | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2022 | |
149 | Universitas Indonesia | Manajemen (S1) | University of Queensland (Australia) | Business, Economics and Law | Australia | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2022 |
150 | Universitas Indonesia | Manajemen (S1) | University of Birmingham (United Kingdom) | Business School | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2024 | |
151 | Universitas Airlangga | Kedokteran (S1) | University of Melbourne (Australia) | Medical Science | Australia | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
152 | Universitas Padjadjaran | Farmasi (S3) | Chiba University (Japan) | Pharmaceutical Sciences | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2024 |
153 | Universitas Airlangga | Psikologi (S1) | University of Leeds (United Kingdom) | School of Psychology | Britania Raya | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
154 | Universitas Airlangga | Ilmu Hukum (S2) | University of Durham (United Kingdom) | Durham Law School | Britania Raya | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
155 | Universitas Airlangga | Ilmu Hukum (S1) | Maastricht University (Netherlands) | Law | Belanda | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2022 |
156 | Universitas Indonesia | Psikologi (S1) | University of Queensland (Australia) | Health and Behavioral Sciences | Australia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2020 |
157 | Universitas Andalas | Ilmu Pertanian (S3) | Gifu University (Japan) | Agricultural Science | Jepang | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2020 |
158 | Universitas Indonesia | Teknologi Informasi (S2) | University of Melbourne (Australia) | Master in Information Systems | Australia | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2020 |
159 | Universitas Airlangga | Matematika Dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (S3) | Ghent University (Belgium) | Public Health and Primary Care | Belgia | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
160 | Universitas Indonesia | Ilmu Komputer (S1) | Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (Australia) | Bachelor of Computer Science dan Bachelor of Information Technology | Australia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2024 |
161 | Universitas Indonesia | Ilmu Komputer (S1) | University of Birmingham (United Kingdom) | Bachelor of Computer Science dan Bachelor of Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2024 | |
162 | Universitas Indonesia | Ilmu Komputer (S1) | University of Queensland (Australia) | Bachelor of Computer Science dan Bachelor of Information Technology | Australia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2023 |
163 | Universitas Airlangga | Magister Manajemen (S2) | Management & Science University (Malaysia) | Business Administration | Malaysia | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
164 | Universitas Indonesia | Ilmu Komputer (S1) | Deakin University (Australia) | Bachelor of Artificial Intelligence dan Bachelor of Information Technology | Australia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2023 |
165 | Universitas Indonesia | Ilmu Komputer (S1) | Australian National University (Australia) | Advanced Computing (Hons) | Australia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2024 |
166 | Universitas Airlangga | Kebijakan Publik (S2) | Universiti Teknologi Mara (Malaysia) | Master of Public Policy | Malaysia | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2020 |
167 | Universitas Airlangga | Ilmu Kedokteran (S3) | Oita University (Japan) | Medical Science | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2022 |
168 | Universitas Airlangga | Kedokteran Gigi (S1) | Hiroshima University (Japan) | School of Dentistry | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2022 |
169 | Universitas Airlangga | Bioteknologi Perikanan dan Kelautan (S2) | National Pingtung University (Taiwan) | Biological Science and Technology | Taiwan | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2021 |
170 | Universitas Padjadjaran | Ilmu Kimia (S3) | Chiba University (Japan) | Pharmaceutical Sciences | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2024 |
171 | Universitas Padjadjaran | Ilmu Kimia (S3) | Hokaido University | Graduate School of Science | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2022 |
172 | Universitas Padjadjaran | Ilmu Kimia (S2) | Osaka University (Japan) | Global Architecture | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2022 |
173 | Universitas Airlangga | Ilmu Perikanan (S2) | Prince of Songkla University (Thailand) | Fishery Science and Technology | Thailand | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2024 |
174 | Universitas Padjadjaran | Obstetri dan Ginekologi (Sp-1) | Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (Malaysia) | Obstetrics & Gynaecology | Malaysia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2024 |
175 | Universitas Syiah Kuala | Ilmu Teknik (S3) | Universiti Malaya (Malaysia) | Urban and Regional Planning | Malaysia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2022 |
176 | Universitas Syiah Kuala | Ilmu Teknik (S3) | Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (Malaysia) | Mechanical and Materials Engineering | Malaysia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2020 |
177 | Universitas Padjadjaran | Hubungan Masyarakat (S1) | University of Canberra (Australia) | Media and Communication | Australia | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
178 | Universitas Padjadjaran | Teknik Geologi (S2) | Akita University (Japan) | Earth Resource Science | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
179 | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | Manajemen (S2) | Tashkent University of Economics | Economic Education, Accounting, dan Management | Uzbekistan | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2022 |
180 | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | Pendidikan Masyarakat (S2) | Tohoku University (Japan) | Educational Science | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2022 |
181 | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (S2) | National Taiwan Normal University (Taiwan) | Science Education | Taiwan | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2021 |
182 | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (S2) | Okayama University (Japan) | Science Education | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
183 | Universitas Airlangga | Kedokteran Gigi (S1) | University of Melbourne (Australia) | Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences | Australia | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2022 |
184 | Universitas Padjadjaran | Ekonomi Terapan (S2) | Rikkyo University (Japan) | Public Management and Administration | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2022 |
185 | Universitas Padjadjaran | Psikologi (S2) | Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (Malaysia) | Pendidikan Sains | Malaysia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2025 |
186 | Universitas Airlangga | Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (S2) | Griffith University (Australia) | Global Public Health | Australia | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2022 |
187 | Universitas Padjadjaran | Ilmu Psikologi (S3) | Maastricht University (Netherlands) | Psychology | Belanda | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2021 |
188 | Universitas Padjadjaran | Perikanan (S2) | Universiti Malaysia Sabah (Malaysia) | Borneo Marine Research Institute | Malaysia | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2022 |
189 | Universitas Padjadjaran | Konservasi Laut (S2) | Universiti Malaysia Sabah (Malaysia) | Borneo Marine Research Institute | Malaysia | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2022 |
190 | Universitas Padjadjaran | Perikanan (S1) | Mokpo National University (South Korea) | Marine and Fisheries Resources | Korea Selatan | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
191 | Universitas Padjadjaran | Ilmu Kelautan (S1) | Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine (China) | Marine Sciences and Biotechnology | China | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2021 |
192 | Universitas Padjadjaran | Perikanan (S2) | NUS (Singapore) | Master of Sciences in Environmental Management | Singapura | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2024 |
193 | Universitas Padjadjaran | Konservasi Laut (S2) | NUS (Singapore) | Master of Sciences in Environmental Management | Singapura | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2024 |
194 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Doktor Ilmu Farmasi (S3) | Leiden University (Netherlands) | Doctoral in Pharmaceutical Sciences | Belanda | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2024 |
195 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Arkeologi (S2) | Leiden University (Netherlands) | MA in Critical Heritage Studies of Asia and Europe | Belanda | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
196 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Ilmu Peternakan (S2) | National Taiwan University (Taiwan) | Agricultural Economics | Taiwan | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
197 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Ilmu Peternakan (S2) | National Taiwan University (Taiwan) | Animal Science and Technology | Taiwan | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
198 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Ilmu Peternakan (S2) | National Taiwan University (Taiwan) | Food Science and Technology | Taiwan | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
199 | Universitas Syiah Kuala | Ilmu Teknik (S3) | Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (Malaysia) | Civil & Structural Engineering | Malaysia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2020 |
200 | Universitas Syiah Kuala | Ilmu Teknik (S3) | Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (Malaysia) | Electrical, Electronic and System Engineering | Malaysia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2020 |
201 | Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember | Perencanaan Wilayah Dan Kota (S1) | Curtin University (Australia) | School of Design and the Built Environment | Australia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2024 |
202 | Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember | Teknik Elektro (S1) | National Sun Yat-sen University (Taiwan) | Electrical Engineering | Taiwan | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2023 |
203 | Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember | Teknik Sipil (S1) | National Taiwan University (Taiwan) | Civil Engineering | Taiwan | Gelar Ganda Percepatan (Acceleration) | 2023 |
204 | Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember | Teknik Informatika (S1) | Asia University (Taiwan) | Computer Science and Information Engineering | Taiwan | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2022 |
205 | Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember | Teknik Informatika (S1) | Curtin University (Australia) | Computer Systems and Networking | Australia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2022 |
206 | Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember | Teknik Informatika (S1) | Fontys University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands) | Information and Communication Technology | Belanda | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2023 |
207 | Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember | Sistem Informasi (S1) | Fontys University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands) | Information and Communication Technology | Belanda | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2023 |
208 | Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember | Sistem Informasi (S1) | Universiti Teknologi Petronas (Malaysia) | Information Technology | Malaysia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2022 |
209 | Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember | Manajemen Bisnis (S1) | Asia University (Taiwan) | Financial and Economic Law | Taiwan | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2022 |
210 | Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember | Manajemen Bisnis (S1) | ESSCA School of Management | International Management | Perancis | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2022 |
211 | Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember | Manajemen Bisnis (S1) | Kedge Business School | Business Management | Perancis | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2024 |
212 | Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember | Manajemen Bisnis (S1) | Rennes School of Business (ESC Rennes) (France) | Management | Perancis | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2020 |
213 | Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember | Manajemen Bisnis (S1) | Saxion University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands) | International Business and Management Studies | Belanda | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2023 |
214 | Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember | Manajemen Bisnis (S1) | University of Queensland (Australia) | Business and Economics | Australia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2022 |
215 | Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember | Manajemen Bisnis (S1) | Vives University of Applied Science | Business Management | Belgia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2021 |
216 | Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember | Teknik Perkapalan (S1) | Mokpo National University (South Korea) | Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering | Korea Selatan | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2023 |
217 | Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember | Sains Aktuaria (S1) | Curtin University (Australia) | Mathematical Sciences | Australia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2023 |
218 | Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember | Statistika (S1) | Curtin University (Australia) | Mathematical Sciences | Australia | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
219 | Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember | Sains Manajemen (S2) | National Yunlin University of Science and Technolo (Taiwan) | Business Administration | Taiwan | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2022 |
220 | Universitas Airlangga | Ilmu Hukum (S1) | University of Durham (United Kingdom) | Durham Law School | Britania Raya | Gelar Ganda Percepatan (Acceleration) | 2024 |
221 | Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember | Teknik Material dan Metalurgi (S2) | National Taiwan University of Science and Technolo (Taiwan) | Materials Science and Engineering | Taiwan | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2023 |
222 | Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember | Teknik Industri (S3) | Coventry University (United Kingdom) | Business and Organisational Psychology with Professional Experience | Britania Raya | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2023 |
223 | Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember | Teknik Geofisika (S1) | Universiti Teknologi Petronas (Malaysia) | Petroleum Geosains | Malaysia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2022 |
224 | Universitas Airlangga | Akuntansi (S1) | University of Western Australia (Australia) | Commerce | Australia | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2024 |
225 | Universitas Airlangga | Ilmu Ekonomi (S2) | University of Western Australia (Australia) | Public Policy | Australia | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2021 |
226 | Universitas Airlangga | Psikologi (S1) | Curtin University (Australia) | Psychology | Australia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2024 |
227 | Universitas Airlangga | Psikologi (S1) | Queensland University of Technology (Australia) | Psychology | Australia | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2024 |
228 | Universitas Padjadjaran | Manajemen (S1) | International Management Institute Switzerland (Switzerland) | International Business Management | Swiss | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2024 |
229 | Universitas Padjadjaran | Akuntansi (S1) | International Management Institute Switzerland (Switzerland) | International Business Management | Swiss | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2024 |
230 | Universitas Padjadjaran | Ilmu Ekonomi (S1) | International Management Institute Switzerland (Switzerland) | International Business Management | Swiss | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2024 |
231 | Universitas Padjadjaran | Bisnis Digital (S1) | International Management Institute Switzerland (Switzerland) | International Business Management | Swiss | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2024 |
232 | Universitas Padjadjaran | Ekonomi Islam (S1) | International Management Institute Switzerland (Switzerland) | International Business Management | Swiss | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2024 |
233 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Teknik Sistem (S2) | University of Birmingham (United Kingdom) | Advanced Engineering Management: Systems Management | Britania Raya | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2021 |
234 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Teknologi informasi (S2) | University of Birmingham (United Kingdom) | Computer Science and Software Engineering | Britania Raya | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2021 |
235 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Ekonomika Pembangunan (S2) | University of Glasgow (United Kingdom) | Centre for Development Studies; Centre for Economics and Finance Studies | Britania Raya | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
236 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Sains Akuntansi (S2) | University of Glasgow (United Kingdom) | Accounting and Finance | Britania Raya | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
237 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Sains Ilmu Ekonomi (S2) | University of Glasgow (United Kingdom) | Centre for Development Studies; Centre for Economics and Finance Studies | Britania Raya | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
238 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Teknik Elektro (S2) | University of Glasgow (United Kingdom) | MSc in Computer Systems Engineering | Britania Raya | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
239 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Teknik Elektro (S2) | University of Glasgow (United Kingdom) | MSc in Electronics and Electrical Engineering and Management | Britania Raya | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
240 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Teknik Elektro (S2) | University of Glasgow (United Kingdom) | MSc in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence | Britania Raya | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
241 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Teknik Elektro (S2) | University of Glasgow (United Kingdom) | MSc in Structural Engineering | Britania Raya | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
242 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Teknik Elektro (S2) | University of Glasgow (United Kingdom) | MSc in Sustainable Energy | Britania Raya | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
243 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Teknik Geologi (S2) | University of Glasgow (United Kingdom) | MSc in Computational Geoscience | Britania Raya | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
244 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Teknik Geologi (S2) | University of Glasgow (United Kingdom) | MSc in Land and Hydrographic Surveying | Britania Raya | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
245 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Teknik Geologi (S2) | University of Glasgow (United Kingdom) | MSc in Sustainable Water Environments | Britania Raya | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
246 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Teknik Geomatika (S2) | University of Glasgow (United Kingdom) | MSc in Computational Geoscience | Britania Raya | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
247 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Teknik Geomatika (S2) | University of Glasgow (United Kingdom) | MSc in Land and Hydrographic Surveying | Britania Raya | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
248 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Teknik Geomatika (S2) | University of Glasgow (United Kingdom) | MSc in Sustainable Water Environments | Britania Raya | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
249 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Teknik Kimia (S2) | University of Glasgow (United Kingdom) | MSc in Computer Systems Engineering | Britania Raya | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
250 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Teknik Kimia (S2) | University of Glasgow (United Kingdom) | MSc in Electronics and Electrical Engineering and Management | Britania Raya | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
251 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Teknik Kimia (S2) | University of Glasgow (United Kingdom) | MSc in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence | Britania Raya | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
252 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Teknik Kimia (S2) | University of Glasgow (United Kingdom) | MSc in Structural Engineering | Britania Raya | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
253 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Teknik Kimia (S2) | University of Glasgow (United Kingdom) | MSc in Sustainable Energy | Britania Raya | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
254 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Teknik Sipil (S2) | University of Glasgow (United Kingdom) | MSc in Computer Systems Engineering | Britania Raya | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
255 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Teknik Sipil (S2) | University of Glasgow (United Kingdom) | MSc in Electronics and Electrical Engineering and Management | Britania Raya | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
256 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Teknik Sipil (S2) | University of Glasgow (United Kingdom) | MSc in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence | Britania Raya | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
257 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Teknik Sipil (S2) | University of Glasgow (United Kingdom) | MSc in Structural Engineering | Britania Raya | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
258 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Teknik Sipil (S2) | University of Glasgow (United Kingdom) | MSc in Sustainable Energy | Britania Raya | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
259 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Teknologi informasi (S2) | University of Glasgow (United Kingdom) | MSc in Computer Systems Engineering | Britania Raya | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
260 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Teknologi informasi (S2) | University of Glasgow (United Kingdom) | MSc in Electronics and Electrical Engineering and Management | Britania Raya | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
261 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Teknologi informasi (S2) | University of Glasgow (United Kingdom) | MSc in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence | Britania Raya | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
262 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Teknologi informasi (S2) | University of Glasgow (United Kingdom) | MSc in Structural Engineering | Britania Raya | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
263 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Teknologi informasi (S2) | University of Glasgow (United Kingdom) | MSc in Sustainable Energy | Britania Raya | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
264 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Doktor Ilmu Politik (S3) | University of Groningen (Netherlands) | Graduate School of the Humanities | Belanda | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
265 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Doktor Ilmu Kedokteran dan Kesehatan (S3) | University of Groningen (Netherlands) | Graduate School of the Humanities | Belanda | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
266 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Geografi (S2) | University of Groningen (Netherlands) | Master of Science in Society, Sustainability and Planning | Belanda | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
267 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Geografi (S2) | University of Groningen (Netherlands) | Masters Science in Environmental and Infrastructure Planning | Belanda | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
268 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Sistem dan Teknik Transportasi (S2) | University of Leeds (United Kingdom) | Railway Engineering with Project Management MSc (Eng) | Britania Raya | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2022 |
269 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Sistem dan Teknik Transportasi (S2) | University of Leeds (United Kingdom) | Railway Operations, Management and Policy MSc | Britania Raya | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2022 |
270 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Ilmu Biomedik (S2) | Universite de Montpellier (France) | Biology & Health Master Program | Perancis | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2022 |
271 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Ekonomi Pertanian (S2) | Kyoto University (Japan) | Natural Resource Economics | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
272 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Fitopatologi (S2) | Kyoto University (Japan) | Applied Biosciences | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
273 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan (S2) | Kyoto University (Japan) | Food Science and Biotechnology | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
274 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Ilmu Hama Tanaman (S2) | Kyoto University (Japan) | Applied Life Sciences | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
275 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Ilmu Kehutanan (S2) | Kyoto University (Japan) | Forest and Biomaterials Science | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
276 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Ilmu Perikanan (S2) | Kyoto University (Japan) | Applied Biosciences | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
277 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Teknik Pertanian (S2) | Kyoto University (Japan) | Magister in Agricultural Engineering | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
278 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Teknologi Industri Pertanian (S2) | Kyoto University (Japan) | Agronomy and Horticultural Science | Jepang | 2023 | |
279 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Kebijakan dan Manajemen Kesehatan (S2) | University of Melbourne (Australia) | Master of Public Health | Australia | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2024 |
280 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Sosiologi (S2) | University of Melbourne (Australia) | Master of Social Policy | Australia | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2021 |
281 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Biologi (S2) | University of Dundee (United Kingdom) | Life Science Masters by Research | Britania Raya | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2024 |
282 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Sistem dan Teknik Transportasi (S2) | University of Leeds (United Kingdom) | Transport Planning and Engineering | Britania Raya | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2022 |
283 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Ilmu Hukum (S2) | University of Glasgow (United Kingdom) | Postgraduate Taught LLM Programme | Britania Raya | 2023 | |
284 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Doktor Kimia (S3) | Hokkaido University (Japan) | Graduate School of Environmental Science | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2020 |
285 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Manajemen (S2) | National University of Singapore (Singapore) | Master of Science Venture Creation NUS Enterprise | Singapura | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
286 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Manajemen (S2) | University of Melbourne (Australia) | Master of Management (Marketing) | Australia | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
287 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Manajemen (S2) | Queen Mary University of London (United Kingdom) | Master of Public Administration (MPA) | Britania Raya | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2022 |
288 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Magister Sains Manajemen (S2) | Curtin University (UK) | Master of commerce (marketing) | Britania Raya | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2020 |
289 | Institut Pertanian Bogor | Teknik Industri Pertanian (S2) | University of Adelaide (Australia) | Technology Innovation and Leadership | Australia | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2022 |
290 | Institut Pertanian Bogor | Ilmu Perencanaan Wilayah (S2) | Kyoto University (Japan) | Global Environmental Studies | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
291 | Institut Pertanian Bogor | Arsitektur Lanskap (S2) | Kyoto University (Japan) | Environmental Management | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
292 | Institut Pertanian Bogor | Ilmu Tanah (S2) | Kyoto University (Japan) | Environmental Management | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
293 | Institut Pertanian Bogor | Ekonomi Sumberdaya Dan Lingkungan (S2) | Kyoto University (Japan) | Environmental Management | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
294 | Universitas Padjadjaran | Manajemen (S1) | University of Queensland (Australia) | Marketing | Australia | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2024 |
295 | Universitas Padjadjaran | Akuntansi (S1) | University of Queensland (Australia) | Commerce | Australia | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2024 |
296 | Institut Pertanian Bogor | Ilmu Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam Dan Lingkungan (S2) | Kyoto University (Japan) | Environmental Management | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 | |
297 | Universitas Padjadjaran | Ilmu Ekonomi (S1) | University of Queensland (Australia) | Economics | Australia | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2024 |
298 | Universitas Padjadjaran | Bisnis Digital (S1) | University of Queensland (Australia) | Business | Australia | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2024 |
299 | Institut Pertanian Bogor | University of Gottingen (Germany) | International Agribusiness and Rural Development | Jerman | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2022 | |
300 | Institut Pertanian Bogor | Ilmu Manajemen (S2) | KU Leuven (Belgium) | European Social Security | Belgia | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2020 |
301 | Institut Pertanian Bogor | Ilmu Ekonomi (S2) | University of Adelaide (Australia) | Economics | Australia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2024 |
302 | Universitas Padjadjaran | Ekonomi Terapan (S2) | Takushoku University (Japan) | International Cooperation Studies | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
303 | Institut Pertanian Bogor | Arsitektur Lanskap (S2) | Chiba University (Japan) | Horticulture | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2020 |
304 | Institut Pertanian Bogor | Ilmu Dan Teknologi Hasil Hutan (S2) | Universite de Lorraine (France) | Sciences du Bois et des Fibres | Perancis | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2024 |
305 | Institut Pertanian Bogor | Ilmu dan Teknologi Hasil Hutan (S3) | Universite de Lorraine (France) | BOIS, FIBRES, ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT (BF2E) | Perancis | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2024 |
306 | Institut Pertanian Bogor | Sains Agribisnis (S2) | University of Queensland (Australia) | Agribusiness | Australia | Gelar Bersama (Joint Degree) | 2024 |
307 | Institut Pertanian Bogor | Manajemen Pembangunan Daerah (S2) | University of Adelaide (Australia) | Economics and Resource Policy | Australia | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2024 |
308 | Institut Pertanian Bogor | Ilmu Ekonomi Pertanian (S2) | University of Western Australia (Australia) | Agricultural Economics | Australia | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2024 |
309 | Institut Pertanian Bogor | Ilmu Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam Dan Lingkungan (S3) | Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW (Poland) | Polandia | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2024 | |
310 | Institut Pertanian Bogor | Pemuliaan Dan Bioteknologi Tanaman (S2) | Kyoto University (Japan) | Agriculture | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
311 | Institut Pertanian Bogor | Agronomi Dan Hortikultura (S2) | Kyoto University (Japan) | Agriculture | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
312 | Universitas Padjadjaran | Ekonomi Terapan (S2) | National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (Japan) | Economics, Planning and Public Policy | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2024 |
313 | Universitas Padjadjaran | Ekonomi Terapan (S2) | International University of Japan (Japan) | Public Management | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2023 |
314 | Universitas Padjadjaran | Ekonomi Terapan (S2) | Retsumeikan University jepang | Public Management | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2024 |
315 | Universitas Andalas | Ilmu Tanah (S2) | Prefectural University of Hiroshima (Japan) | Biological System Sciences | Jepang | Gelar Ganda (Double Degree) | 2024 |
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20 Mei 2024
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